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Meditation, Talk by Stephen Fulder, Discussion - Online

Dear Friends,

I'm sure, like me, you have been affected by the tragic situation and suffering happening right now in Gaza and Israel. I've had a hard time assimilating it all and holding it without my heart breaking. 

I want to let you know that this Thursday we will be meeting online with Stephen Fulder, Founder and Senior Teacher of Tovanathe Israel Insight Meditation Society, which is the major mindfulness and Buddhist organization in Israel. Stephen reached out to me this week offering to speak to our community and other Dharma communities. He wanted to share his thoughts and explore together how we can use our practice to hold what is happening there with wisdom and compassion. I was very happy to hear from him, wondering what he might share to help us understand and navigate the unfolding of events with a wise heart.

I've known Stephen for many years, visiting Israel at his invitation to lead retreats for his thriving Insight meditation community. He is a wise, heartful, and deeply respected teacher. Here is his Statement on the Current Tragic Situation that he sent to me to share with you. We share a meditation, followed by a Dharma talk and discussion. Join us on Zoom by clicking HERE

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Stephen Fulder

October 19

Awakening Joy Cloud Sangha Event

October 20

Online Retreat