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Online Retreat
to Oct 22

Online Retreat

Devotion to the Sacred

Awakening Wholesome States of Practice

The Buddha advised us to not only overcome unhealthy states but to cultivate states of true well-being such as gratitude, kindness, and compassion. What’s more, he encouraged us to deepen these states when possible. A profound support in doing this is to connect with the unnameable mystery from which all states emanate--what Ven. Ajahn Sumedho called "The Shining through of the Divine." In this online practice retreat we will focus on cultivating these states and rather than taking ownership of them, to keep connecting to the source within us from which they arise. As they shine through, they become a gift to everyone in our lives. This retreat is for practitioners who want to deepen their meditation practice through heartfelt connection to our natural goodness, well-being and joy. Periods of meditation with instruction, practice-oriented talks and practice discussions with the teachers.

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Meditation, Talk by James Baraz, Discussion - Online

Meditation, Talk by James Baraz, Discussion - Online

We share a meditation, followed by a Dharma talk and discussion. Join us on Zoom by clicking HERE

If you have difficulty joining with the above link, join manually using this information:

Meeting ID: 460 493 377
Passcode: 029590

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and have the passcode 029590 ready.

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